My name is Amber, and for as long as I can remember I've enjoyed creating things.
As a child, I spent most of my time making. I would spend my summers in the creek making clay pottery, or my time inside painting à la Jackson Pollock. In high school, I took a drafting class and immediately started dreaming up houses. My favorite design was a house in the shape of a mushroom (that I still secretly want to build). I traced bowls to create the round floor plans. The house featured a stair that spiraled around a central elevator leading to the main floor kitchen and living areas. The upper levels accommodated the bedrooms and a glass dome observatory so you could view the stars at night.
As an adult, I have expanded my hobbies to home renovation, organizing, woodworking, and costume-making. I also love the outdoors and traveling.
This March, my husband and I took our latest trek to Japan and it was an amazing couple of weeks. One of my favorite memories is when we watched the Rockabillies at Yoyogi Park- they are hilarious! I'm still craving the delicious blueberry crepe we had there.
My husband, Sarkis, and I live in a 1965 split-level ranch with our German Shepherd, 2 cats, 2 chinchillas, and 3 chickens. You can see pictures of our current renovation here.
(Photo, Left) This photo was taken during a middle school clean up day. We cleared brush and dead trees from the area surrounding the school so they could create a nature walk for science class.