NZED: Net Zero Energy Design
| Architecture | Green Design | Container Housing | Multi-Family Residential: Townhomes |
Net Zero Energy Design was a collaborative project with the goal to select a real estate parcel, analyze it's viability for a specific use, and then to develop a residential project using high performance building strategies that are financially feasible.
This project featured a team of 4 students- 2 high performance building PhD candidates, 1 architecture student (me), and 1 building construction student. The team analyzed several sites, ultimately choosing a site in West Midtown. After choosing the site, we did a thorough architectural site analysis and decided to employ the use of shipping containers as a base building block. My role as the team's architect was to discuss energy strategies with the high performance members of the team, design the site & building complex, accomodate the choosen energy strategies into the design, and then assist the building construction team member with a full cost analysis of the project. The high performance members went on further to size the energy systems and calculate the output and the time it would take to recuperate the cost of the systems with energy savings.